We are hard-working folk and save and invest on a well-deserved holiday. When our yearly savings are ready to pay out we treat our family on an adventurous holiday. We decided as a good treat to ourselves and our two children one aged 7 and the other aged 8 we would travel abroad.
Although it seems like a daunting task at first as the sheep herder would need to be in full control of its flock of sheep – travelling homework begins!
This year we planned to do a European trip and what better place to venture than Euro Disney better known and Disney Land Paris. Wow! What an experience, the children are at an age where they can be a bit unbearable at times but with the right planning and structure the following tips and tricks will aid on our trip.
The art of using the internet came in handy facilitating deals on ticket prices, accommodation, tours and all that was needed and in turn cuts out the middle man agent providing us with more spending money – DIY at its best! Ensure that all passports and visas are valid and in order in advance and don’t forget these at home!\
We further, as a combined effort researched the places in and around Euro Disney to do daily trips between our 10 day stay, alternating so that we would have fun at the theme park and do a little bit of touring in and around Europe.
We take into consideration that the flight will be approximately 12 hours and we are accompanied by children who need 24/7 stimulation. With this in mind we gear up with I-pads, books and on air video entertainment.
Trips in and around the airport, or in the aeroplane or just getting around let us focus on keeping an eagle eye on the children however our cellular phones come in handy by installing apps that are in sync with our own. Should the children tend to wonder off – we opt to brand the inside of their backpacks with our contact details avoiding the missing children list! Note to self, be well informed of any foreign regulations!
We are armed with cameras and pack sparingly with items of clothing to accommodate four seasons in one day and to deal with the unexpected. A DIY survival medical mini kit is close at hand should the children picked up a foreign bug or two. We travel light to avoid paying extra costs at the airport if the tourist shopping spree kicks in.
Hotel accommodation for 10 days which is situated at Disney Euro making travel easy, whether by foot or train and alleviates the costs of a rental vehicle.
When we plan our routes of travel each day we leave an hour prior to our departure in order to avoid any unforeseen delays to our daily destination.
Kids are geared with back packs, daily lunches are stocked, and journals for tracking the sites. We snack here and there bearing in mind the exchange value – a penny saved is a penny earned.
Enjoy your trip, it should not be hard work, with good preparation you can have a fun filled Euro experience to remember!